
Empowering your child to be a lifetime learner

(614) 219-7274


“Play is our brains favorite way of learning”


The Infant room is our Premier Program which is available for infants beginning at 6 weeks of age through 18 months. In our program your infant will receive the best nutrition and learning experience possible! We have highly experienced teachers who understand the importance of infant care. This is were the learning journey begins for your little ones.

We like keeping families involved with their child’s activities. We track these daily activities through our application HiMama. You will be able to see photos and videos of  your child throughout the day along with direct communication between parent and teacher.

Infant Activities 

  • Tummy Time
  • Floor Activities
  • Music & Rhythm Activities
  • Healthy Meals & Snacks
  • Sleep Time

Toddlers & Two’s

“Don’t fit in when you were born to stand out”


This room is our Butterfly Program. The Toddlers and Two’s are ages 18 months through 36 months. This is indeed a wonderful stage in your toddler’s life as they begin to develop independence and greater socialization skills. We have energetic teachers who understand the importance of assisting toddlers through verbal skills, socializing, sharing and potty training. They understand that being messy at times is a form of learning and a necessary component of a toddler’s development of self.

We understand and value the high need for parents to feel comfortable with leaving their children with a trust worthy day care provider other than family.  Teachers like to keep parents involved in order to develop trust and an open communication. We use the HiMama application to stay connected with parents  to inform of your child’s day!

Toddlers is a important stage to teach children how to become independent and also how to work as a group.  We do our best to get them ready for preschool. 

Toddlers & Two’s Activities 

  • Manipulatives
  • Puzzles & Blocks
  • Music & Movement
  • Motor Play
  • Sensory Play 
  • Math & Science
  • Group Activities


“Think and wonder…wonder and think”


This program focuses in KG Readiness. During this time we will focus directly on the current State of Ohio Standards and Guidelines; so that your child has the necessary tools to be successful. We have highly experienced teachers who understand the importance of getting children ready for kindergarten. Our program uses the Teaching Strategies curriculum and lessons plans are implemented weekly for the children. 

Preschool Activities

  • Math & Science
  • Reading & Literacy
  • Social Studies & Technology
  • Art
  • Movement & Music
  • Social & Emotional Growth

School Age

“Fun is just another word for learning”


School Age Activities

School age program; KidsRus has a safe oriented environment for the school age children.

  • We Offer Before & After School Care
  • Homework Assistance For The Children
  • Nutritious Meals
  • School Transportation To Our Community Local Schools
  • Summer Camp Available

Join KidsRus Learning Center For Your Child’s Education